I wrote this down in my journal last night before I went to bed. I wasn’t going to put this on here for anyone to see, but I am feeling like I should. Maybe someone needs to read it. Lord, Tonight I want to pray for my country. I don’t want to pray for a specific candidate to win or lose. I don’t want…

Sometimes I feel like am nailing this parenting thing. Sometimes, okay most times, I feel like I am barely holding on by the skin of my teeth. So when, this past week when everyone was taught a valuable life lesson completely on accident I’m not going to lie, I was impressed, but not with myself. It all started with a promo code to try a free week…

Can I explain something about God? He is amazing and awesome. He really is. I can’t tell you all the ways in a blog post because it would turn into a novel. One of the many (many) ways that he rocks is His timing. I don’t always understand what is happening in my life, but sometimes things happen and I can say “That was God.”…

I decided that I wanted to try this whole blogging thing again. I feel like it only makes sense to share what has been going on in my life here. I was scared to do it for so long, but I can’t keep it to myself anymore. So, if you knew what was going on – thank you for all of your support, prayer, and…