I wrote this down in my journal last night before I went to bed. I wasn’t going to put this on here for anyone to see, but I am feeling like I should. Maybe someone needs to read it.



Tonight I want to pray for my country. I don’t want to pray for a specific candidate to win or lose. I don’t want to to pray for people who are lost to change their minds suddenly. I know that our country is in a moral crater, and I don’t expect people to wake up tomorrow and suddenly realize it. I want to pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that we can stop arguing among ourselves. I pray that we realize that God made us each unique and no one person’s opinions will be the same as another’s. I pray that we remember that we are called to love you with every fiber of our being. Yes, we can love our country, and yes, we can care about our government, but our identity is not in our political affiliation. You also tell us to love our neighbors. More than we love ourselves, our vote, more than our comfort zone and ideals. I pray that when this election is over, that we stand together to be a light into this nation. Someone is going to lose, people will be hurt. I pray for us to show grace, be humble, and comfort those who are distraught. Remind them that their hope doesn’t come from whoever holds office, but our hope is in you. I pray that we tame our tongues, that we don’t say – verbally or online – things that tear others down. I pray that we remember to love people the way that you love people. You don’t call us to judge the world, but we are to hold our brothers accountable. I pray that we can quietly remind one another to model Christ’s love when we want to spout condemnation and hatred.

I pray that this is a wake up call for us. I pray that we love the people of this nation so much that we cannot bear to see them live in bondage to their sin for another day. I pray that we are bold to speak your name. I pray that we remember our purpose in life is to multiply your kingdom and we cannot do that if we are full of anger. I pray that we are saddened greatly, as I am sure it saddens you, that we are not known by our love for one another as we should be, but are know for our judgement and hypocrisy. I pray for those who claim to know you, but are like the seeds scattered on the rocky places. I pray that they realize that no candidate will save this nation. We are indeed in need of salvation, but it will never come from a person, no matter what they promise. There is only one savior and he died on a cross for the world 2000 years ago.

I pray that we remember, no matter the outcome, YOU ARE STILL ON YOUR THRONE. You are in control. You are not surprised by this election. You are sovereign, infinite, you spoke this very world into creation. You are the same god that spoke freely to Adam and Eve, led the Israelites through the wilderness, and most importantly conquered the grave.

Many eyes will be on us tomorrow, Lord. I pray that we can model your love and show the world what it means to be true followers of Christ.
